
Landscape 3 OeOEe: Luis A. Lara Malvacías, Ivo Bol and Joris van Perlo

zaterdag 29 juni 2024 , 20:30 - 21:30 uur

Landscape 3 OeOEe
Do objects have memory? Is memory an object or a hyperobject? What is a hyperobject? If human memory can reside in the skin, can we say that the “skin of objects” holds memory? Inviting objects and things as active participants, choreographer and multidisciplinary artist Luis A. Lara Malvacías and composer Ivo Bol explore these questions in their new collaboration. With a trans-disciplinary composition for 30 radios, musical robots, movement, plants, lights and video they will explore the “power” inherent in the presence of non-human or more than human beings in performative situations, and to activate memory.

Choreography, set and design: Luis A. Lara Malvacías
Music: Ivo Bol
Live performers: Luis A. Lara Malvacías, Ivo Bol and Joris van Perlo

Luis Lara Malvacías is a Venezuelan choreographer and trans-disciplinary artist. His body of work has focused on ideas of transformation, multiplicity, authorship and the role of the audience in dance performance. He has presented his work in New York since 1995 and has performed worldwide, from conventional venues to galleries and more unconventional spaces.

Ivo Bol reworks found sounds, lost tapes, old and live electronics and excess sounds from vinyl records into new musical constellations. He performs his music using his body and mind to manipulate these sounds with light sensors, touch, gesture or brainwaves. The music of Ivo Bol is often interdisciplinary, working internationally with choreographers, light designers, artists and filmmakers.

Plein Theater
Kosten toelichting
€ 13,50 (vanaf) + consumptiemunt / Regulier: €17,50 | CJP/ Student/ 18: €15.50 | Kunst(vak)student/ 18: €13.50 | Stadspas groene stip: €4,50
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